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Fitos Dezső Társulat
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Christmas Dream – The Tale of Light

As the holidays are approaching, Julcsi Paár and Fitos Dezső Company invite everyone to a family dance theatre performance featuring live music, traditional and contemporary dance elements, authentic and modern stage equipment.  

In the play, the children receive a special Advent calendar as a gift. Well-known Hungarian characters of the Advent period – Luca Day witches, shepherds, a flaming star and other typical symbols – emerge from the 24 windows each night and lead the characters (and of course the audience) ever closer to the most sacred and real meaning of the Christmas holidays: to the birth of the Light – the Saviour.  

The story weaves its way through the dance performance, sometimes with touching solemnity, sometimes with humour, playfulness, and with the most basic human emotions. The music of Julcsi Paár and Róbert Lakatos, the choreographies and direction of Enikő Kocsis and Dezső Fitos, as well as the compelling performance of the Fitos Dezső Company will be a real treat during the festive season.

This performance is recommended for ages 3 and up. 

Dramaturge: Julianna Paár Fonogram Music Award

Visual and set: Ákos Mátravölgyi Blattner Géza Prize winner

Costume design: Zsuzsanna Cs. Kiss and Enikő Kocsis Harangozó Gyula Prize winner

Assistant to costume designer: Mária Gombár 

Light design: Kornél Papp 

Video graphics: Enikő Sárvári, Gábor Vető

Acrobatics trainer: Tibor Kőmíves 

Musicians: Tamás Szakál, Ádám Kiss B./Albert Vajas, Gergő Kováts, Dániel Szabó, Bálint Könczei, András Bognár

Performed by Alexa Alzetta, Boldizsár Balogh, Éva Bíró, Júlia Fafka, Zénó Fenyvesi, Dezső Fitos, Péter Gellén, Zoltán Gera, Hajnalka Guti, Evelin Gyulai, Luca Hanekám, Zalán Horváth, Bálint Molnár, Dorottya Nagy, Eszter Németh, Ákos Östör, Zalán Pásztor, Ábel Sári

Child performers: Blanka Bognár, Buda Bognár, Gáspár Dezső Fitos, Rozi Fitos, Erzsébet Kiss

Music: Julianna Paár Fonogram Music Award, Róbert Lakatos Fonogram – Hungarian Music Award and Harmónia Music Award winner 

Directed and choreographed by Enikő Kocsis Harangozó Gyula Prize winner, and
Dezső Fitos, Young Master of Folk Arts, Harangozó Gyula Prize winner, Hungarian Artist of Merit

Photos: Kaszner Nikolett

As the holidays are approaching, Julcsi Paár and Fitos Dezső Company invite everyone to a family dance theatre performance featuring live music, traditional and contemporary dance elements, authentic and modern stage equipment.  

In the play, the children receive a special Advent calendar as a gift. Well-known Hungarian characters of the Advent period – Luca Day witches, shepherds, a flaming star and other typical symbols – emerge from the 24 windows each night and lead the characters (and of course the audience) ever closer to the most sacred and real meaning of the Christmas holidays: to the birth of the Light – the Saviour.  

The story weaves its way through the dance performance, sometimes with touching solemnity, sometimes with humour, playfulness, and with the most basic human emotions. The music of Julcsi Paár and Róbert Lakatos, the choreographies and direction of Enikő Kocsis and Dezső Fitos, as well as the compelling performance of the Fitos Dezső Company will be a real treat during the festive season.

This performance is recommended for ages 3 and up. 

Dramaturge: Julianna Paár Fonogram Music Award

Visual and set: Ákos Mátravölgyi Blattner Géza Prize winner

Costume design: Zsuzsanna Cs. Kiss and Enikő Kocsis Harangozó Gyula Prize winner

Assistant to costume designer: Mária Gombár 

Light design: Kornél Papp 

Video graphics: Enikő Sárvári, Gábor Vető

Acrobatics trainer: Tibor Kőmíves 

Musicians: Tamás Szakál, Ádám Kiss B./Albert Vajas, Gergő Kováts, Dániel Szabó, Bálint Könczei, András Bognár

Performed by Alexa Alzetta, Boldizsár Balogh, Éva Bíró, Júlia Fafka, Zénó Fenyvesi, Dezső Fitos, Péter Gellén, Zoltán Gera, Hajnalka Guti, Evelin Gyulai, Luca Hanekám, Zalán Horváth, Bálint Molnár, Dorottya Nagy, Eszter Németh, Ákos Östör, Zalán Pásztor, Ábel Sári

Child performers: Blanka Bognár, Buda Bognár, Gáspár Dezső Fitos, Rozi Fitos, Erzsébet Kiss

Music: Julianna Paár Fonogram Music Award, Róbert Lakatos Fonogram – Hungarian Music Award and Harmónia Music Award winner 

Directed and choreographed by Enikő Kocsis Harangozó Gyula Prize winner, and
Dezső Fitos, Young Master of Folk Arts, Harangozó Gyula Prize winner, Hungarian Artist of Merit

Photos: Kaszner Nikolett

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