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Fitos Dezső Társulat
en hu

authentic dance theatre performance


The Dancing Man

The values of folk culture have been recognised for more than two hundred years. To truly explore it, generations of tireless collection and research was essential. In the meantime, folk culture itself has changed.

The Fitos Dezső Company’s performance, The Dancing Man, is a selection of dance material from collections that are not widely known – therefore the rehearsal period was preceded by a substantial research and collection.

Without any borders, Hungarian dance, music and singing unite cultural values from the past, and in its focus stands the individual. A human is an active, sentient, ever-changing individual who lives in harmony with nature, and is an important member of a community, preserving its traditions and characteristics. In The Dancing Man, we present the knowledge, experience and values of our ancestors from long ago, filtered through our own prism – so that we can then carry them forward, learn from them and not let them be lost.

Music director: ifj. Sándor Csoóri 

Music editor: Bence Pálházi, Julianna Paár

Dramaturgy: Róbert Markó

Costumes: Enikő Kocsis Harangozó Gyula prize winner

Consultant: Dr. Sándor Varga

Light design: Kornél Papp 

Director and choreographer:
Enikő Kocsis, Harangozó Gyula Prize winner, and
Dezső Fitos, Young Master of Folk Arts, Harangozó Gyula Prize winner, Hungarian Artist of Merit

Performed by dancers of the Fitos Dezső Dance Compnay and the Dezső Fitos Band.

Photo: Anna Gajewszky

  • Date

    április 30, 2022

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